If you also want to the redirected stream to appear on the original stream, you can use a " teestream" which uses a stream buffer copying each character to two different stream buffers (I have posted multiple versions of such a stream in the past in multiple place, including on stackoverflow). Then select your port from the drop-down menu. Thanks for your tip, I tried the Debug mode and was able to see the binary values on tera term. It can be done by pressing Ctrl+Esc on your window. The easiest way to view binary data in Tera Term is to put it in Debug mode.
It supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2 and serial port connections. How can change the settings to make the Tera Term display values in binaries.

It emulates different types of computer terminals, from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382. Here, you can select which serial port you’d like to open up. Tera Term (alternatively TeraTerm) is an open-source, free, software implemented, terminal emulator (communications) program. To put it simply, I'm trying to create one stream that links to a file std::ofstream outFile You should initially be presented with a TeraTerm: New connection pop-up within the program. For security and communications products, solutions and services, Bosch Security and Safety Systems is the preferred partner. The default value for the serial interface is: 57600 Baud 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit), no flow.